9 thoughts on “Monday Meme – #1

    1. Thank you Brooke, hope it’s ok to call you that. I think it’s the first time am seeing the name. 🙂 Btw, have been to your blog and read your today’s postings… but not sure I understood the ‘request’ part. ??


      1. Thank you and of course you can call me Brooke, I have nominated you for the Music & Words Award…I’ve just noticed that you are not on the post, but you are on my draft, so don’t know what went wrong there, but I would love you to participate in the Award, I will make a rectification on my blog. Thank you and sorry about that …..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No worries, Dear Brooke! I understand very well that mistakes happen sometimes. I am happy to accept the nomination. Thank you for the kind thoughts. I will take up the challenge with all pleasure and give you a pingback. 🙂


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