Summer Gardening…!

So a friend harvested these cherries today from her garden and I was there to get a share of it.  I love cherries and all the other ‘berries.


summer (2)


Continue reading “Summer Gardening…!”

My Stress-free Formula…!

With the many challenges and toxicity in life, sometimes, one is forced to channel one’s energy towards debilitating thoughts.  However, this is detrimental to health and to one’s emotional balance.

Therefore, to stay focused and as a distraction from negative energy, I realised the magical power tucked in positive affirmations.

At some point in my life, I’ve had bouts of unpleasantries. Agreed, this is a common human affliction. During such phases, I enjoyed the taste of my tears and the consolation in self-pity. Continue reading “My Stress-free Formula…!”

The Daily Prompt – Agile!

At 90 years, Grandpa was still physically strong and mentally agile. Oh yes, He was remarkably agile and graceful in his movements. He could still climb the staircase without difficulties.

It was simply amazing to watch him age gracefully. Continue reading “The Daily Prompt – Agile!”

This 2018 – Walk Away…!

is the best exercise! 

*Walk Away*  from
arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger.

*Walk Away*  from
groups with narcissistic elements, and unclean spirits burdened with grudges.

*Walk Away*  from
any thought that reduces your worth. And something that you wouldn’t recommend to those you love or respect.

*Walk Away*  from
failures and fears that stifle your dreams. Don’t hang around pessimistic souls, optimistic people are winners.

*Walk Away*  from
people who do not care for you and who are opportunistic. If you’re only as good as what you can offer, then you’re a price tag.

The more you
*Walk Away*  from
things that poison your soul, the happier your life will be. Your average intelligence is based on five people who are very close to you.

*Give Yourself A Walk*


Copied from WhatsApp and modified.



Peace and Love!

Copyright © 2018 by Simpledimple.  All Rights Reserved.

Some Things Are Hard To Tame…!

The most evidential thing I’ve learned in life is that some things cannot be tamed no matter how hard we try.  But of course, there are exceptions…!


Can we truly tame how we handle love matters? 

Or our reactions during moments of anger?

Are you able to tame your fierce temper since all these years, knowing it brings you nothing but regrets?

Can Nature’s fiery temper be stopped or tamed? Continue reading “Some Things Are Hard To Tame…!”