Good Morning World


You know, the smallest thing can change a life. In the blink of an eye, something happens by chance – and when you least expect it – since we’re on a course that you could have never planned, into a future you never imagined.

Where will it take you? That’s the journey of our lives: our search for the light. But sometimes, finding the light means you must pass through the deepest darkness.

Nicholas Sparks Continue reading “Good Morning World”

Good Morning World!


Life is a Matter Of Perception:

What one person deems to be important may be just as equally unimportant to another.

What one deems to be right may seem very wrong to someone else.

Your moral compass and values may not always be totally in sync with others you meet.

In the end, it’s all just your perception of how you choose to live your life and this may not always win you, friends. In fact, it may gain you some enemies.

Live your life how you choose to and if people don’t like the way you do things then disagree if you must, but be nice and be respectful and then if you must, move on and leave it all behind you.

It’s your life after all and only you can live it. Choose your path and set your compass. Then start walking.

– By Michael Tianias


It’s a new week.

Best wishes on your daily struggles.


Peace and Love!

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Good Morning World!



This is one catchword I remind myself about every morning and it aids my visualization. With this mindset to start my day, I plunge myself into actions that will make me a better version of myself. And it’s so magical because it fills me up with enthusiasm and a positive attitude to tackle the workload for the day. Continue reading “Good Morning World!”