Salute To Poets!


Find below, blogs where you can read great poems, in different themes and genres.

It’s World Poetry Day!

Kudos to the world’s poets who are versed in all genres of poetry.

Kudos to all those prolific poetry writers.

Kudos to all those who teach poetry.

Kudos to all those who enjoy reading and encouraging budding poets.

To all lovers of poetry and poetry enthusiasts…


Happy World Poetry Day.


In no particular order, I celebrate you all. 

And kindly don’t take it personally if your blog is not included here. Another day will come.

Thank you. 


Continue reading “Salute To Poets!”

To All Poetry Enthusiasts!


I don’t joke with people who have a taste for poetry. To all the poetry enthusiasts, I’d say, keep writing ‘cos the world will keep reading too.

I admire the fact that passionate feelings can be expressed through imaginative words in a creative aesthetic style and rhythm.

Unfortunately, Poetry is not accorded the recognition it deserves, especially in African literature. It’s not a genre of literature that is hugely appreciated no doubt, and this can be attributed to its distinctive language. However, with more poets (Africans) rising up, this conception might change in the near future.

So, today, let me honour the Masters of this distinctive art the world over, Poets, who craft words, mould them, weave them together, adding rhythmic beauty to these letters to create a superb gripping effect. 🙂

To all the poets who add special intensity and beauty to letters as they invoke emotions into their poetry –  SALUTE.

Kudos to you all.

It’s Your DAY.

The world celebrates you today! 🙂

In addition, we may not all write poetry in letters. But some of you do, with your gorgeous outlook, and with the extension of your hands of generosity, towards humanity.  🙂

Here’s a big shout out to all the great poets, dead and alive.  You all are the great minds that add beauty and colour to our world.

Cheers. 🙏😍

Happy World Poetry Day! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Peace and Love!

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